1.) My nausea of having to listen to, as well as read Walden James' crap (per a dense legal contract) being that he's the only person left on "staff" for the moment (AND WALDEN, STOP PUTTING THE PHRASE, "QUOTE UN-QUOTE" BEFORE YOU EMPLOY QUOTATION MARKS IN YOUR POSTS! IT'S F-ING REDUNDANT!!!).
2.) The inability to ignore the recent calls for assistance from of my fellow colleagues, and co-founder of "The Boutros Boutros Follies", Peter Rinaldi.
Here's The Scoop:
Peter recently received some threatening video e-mails blackmailing him for a substantial amount of money, involving the hi-jacking, or "hi-jacketing" as I've dubbed it, of a vintage leather jacket that is in fact irreplaceable. You'd be quite surprised to know who it belonged to, before it ended up (legally) in Peter's possession, but then I'd be sued. Anyway, as you will see below, this madman is has photographed himself wearing the article (in the video stills posted below), while threatening to "be-lapel it" it with a dinky, beat-up looking samurai sword. Not really threatening at all, if you ask me. The thing doesn't even look sharp.
Regardless, the e-mails were sent to my friend as well as having been found streaming on some zany "extremest-type" website- I say "extremist-type" because it turns out this knucklehead is a local penniless fraud posing as a foreign extremist, and sadly, has no idea how to employ "Villainy" with any keen sense of intelligence whatsoever, as my Photo-Pictorial below demonstrates...
After receiving the images from the website in all their dimwitted glory, I've subsequently taken the liberty of passing the URL on to the appropriate authorities.
Unfortunately, while I do not have permission to repost the URL here, a buddy of mine in the Bureau DID give me explicit permission however, to reproduce the video-stills, additional captions included...Ahh, sweet justice.
Safe to say, the jacket is in transit, on it's way back to Peter.
Thanks to the Bureau for all their cooperation.
And Pete, don't worry, pal. No reward necessary.
* By the way, if the photos appear too small to read the captions, you can download the photo to see it better. --G.F.
Hey wait a minute..............I know that guy.
i'm crying tears of joy.
I'm just crying.
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