Acting Tomorrow, Episode Two - NEW & IMPROVED finally!!!

I can't tell you how upset I was to have this take so darn long!!
I got tied up- actually forced into flying to my mother's house..(Ugh...that's all I'll say...Ugh) in order to help her with her Semi-Annual Rummage and Vintage Bed Linens Sale at her three-story mansion in Sarasota, Fla.
It mattered little to her that I had a DEADLINE as well as a rendezvous with my wonderful audience, but there was not much I could do as she threatened to write me out of her will...AGAIN!! And NO, THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
So, without further adieu, here's my show which you should have heard last week.

Episode 3 is on it's way and hopes to be a fetching, yet telling and searingly honest interview between yours truly and the Dapper Don of Acting Today, Stevens Craig...

Episode know...I should be at Episode, like, 300 by now, but no thanks to the case of the Mysteriously Missing Archives-...WAIT A SECOND HERE, Walden, you just got finished talking about the pact with Stevens (via phone) to maintain your composure...FOLKS, again, I must remind myself I've resolved to not point the finger this week, since due to an impending interview scheduled, I've promised to withhold judgment on a certain "quote un-quote" "Blame-Gamer" by the initials, "Stevens Craig". I AM BETTER THAN THAT...(AND YOU STEVENS, LOL!!! I joust, Stevens, I joust!!). Serious, for now, I will defer a certain amount of professional respect to Stevens until he proves himself unworthy otherwise.

At any rate, I feel that I can say with "quote un-quote" "pride" that life is moving forward for me...despite what this week's PODCAST (Episode 2) would have one assume.
Can't wait to see what wonderful and exciting adventures will lay in store for me with my meeting with Stevens Craig in our planned Episode 3!!
Stay tuned frendsters!

Until Next Time,


- Walden James


And if you haven't already done so, get your butts to EPISODE ONE!


OMG, I would be ROTFL if it wasn't for the fact that half my archives are missing from this website, and I wanna jump off a bridge and shoot myself!!!
Something tells me Mister Fitzpatrick is involved!
I'm gonna to probaly have to launch my own investigation now...
I've reposted the only remaining PODCAST EPISODE BELOW, that I could salvage for the moment...Uhgh! This is sooo 1987!!!

-Walden James



So it would seem my "quote-un-quote" "friend-slash-former colleague-slash-unofficialized-ex-fiancee", Stevens Craig is merely venting his frustrations when he tells me to "quote-un-quote" "Get a Grip"...Ugh! How 1972, Stevens! I mean, freaking COME ON!!
Stevens, I HAVE a grip...on GENIUS...and you're jealous of it...hence your not-so-clever-retitling, but skillfully re-formatted, completely improvised rip-off of my show!
Methinks that your guilt with having one of your many minion hackers hack in and hack my website (thereby damaging and destroying all my archives of past shows), has somewhat put your proverbial "quote un-quote" "Panties in a Bunch", reminiscent of the days you forced me to do your laundry back in Jackson Heights...but that's quite another thing altogether...Anyhoo, my point is that my command of technology and the internet, specifically the construction of this blog site puts

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!! (cont'd..accidentally published before finishing)


Now your hacking hackers have somehow made me manage to press the ENTER key before I even meant to...!!!


What I was saying is that my iron-clad grasp on the enigma of electronic communication, all the whilst keeping my proverbial "quote un-quote" "Finger On the Pulse" is what puts me ah

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!!! (cont'd Pt. 2)...D*MMIT!!

puts me ahead of the game!!
The f-ing Game Stevens!

- Walden James


jhkjzvxbjc hxzkb vzlxn sriou gs;iof gx



A newfound, dear old friend of mine, whose name shall remain nameless just informed me as to the levels of destruction and malice my "quote-un-quote" "friend-slash-former-colleague-slash-FORMER-unofficialized-fiancee" has gone to to create havoc in my already havocky life...


>> I am, for some reason, having problems now accessing your page. It brought up a box that talked about security or something and then I clicked, what I thought was the appropriate answer, and it immediately took me to google. This happened on my pc here at work and it happened last night on my Mac - now I can't get on your site. Very strange. Let me know if this has happened to anyone else.

- Brian Hughes
(Of the Boutros Boutros Follies)

Evidently, my "Anonymous Friend" Byron has also felt the gnarled fingers of fate clutching him by the throat whilst having his life completely and utterly RUINED by one, Stevens Craig...
I have, however, alerted Google, as well as the authorities as to whom to "quote-un-quote" "KEEP TABS ON", and have been completely straightforward with my voluntary insemination of information.

I just want to say to you my dear new old friend...Walden's heart goes out to you and Walden KNOWS the pain of which you suffer. Be Strong, Be Brave, and in the immortal words of that black guy in that movie, "Bitch Be Cool!"
(Sooo profound!)

If I can be of any service to you, or anyone else out there...Don't hesitate to contact me at all!

And for all of you out there, I'll have A NEW POST shortly!! As soons as the Kaopectate and Psyllium Husk kick in enough to sit on my stool longer than...uh oh...stool-

Bye for now!

- Walden James